Rescue or Leave

It is always difficult deciding whether to rescue a hedgehog or not.

Follow these simple guidelines and call us ASAP


  • Out in the day (If the hedgehog is moving fast with material in its mouth, it is likely to be a nesting expectant mum, please leave alone, all other hedgehogs out in the day is a cause for concern)
  • Surrounded by flies or birds
  • Wobbling as if drunk
  • Lying out uncovered (this maybe on the lawn, on a path etc)
  • Limping/dragging a leg or dragging both hind legs
  • Visibly injured
  • Picked up by a dog (do not assume the hedgehog is ok, it needs admitting for monitoring treatment)
  • Found down a drain or trapped in anything (It is important these are admitted and receive treatment)
  • Caught in any form of netting (please don’t remove and assume the hedgehog is ok, it will require admitting and treatment)
  • Hit by a moving vehicle (any vehicle) even if the hedgehog moves to the side, it will need admitting and treatment
  • A hoglet (baby hedgehog) out by itself or a litter without mum around the garden

Below is an idea of a rescue box, please include a heat source. You can use a cardboard box etc, be mindful they can escape.



  • A female nesting will be a large hedgehog, running around oblivious to you with nesting material in her mouth. Leave her be, she is about to deliver and interference could result in the loss of her young.
  • Hedgehog nesting, you come across a nest in the garden, the hedgehog is covered and sleeping, leave alone
  • Garage/Shed often a hedgehog will be found nesting in a garage or shed, leave alone and call us
  • Out in the night dusk/dark so long as not limping, been picked up by a dog or injured in anyway please leave a support feed
  • Winter a healthy hedgehog will survive hibernation at 450 grms, so long as the hedgehog is acting normally please support feed and leave alone, picking he hedgehog up can/will cause unnecessary stress.


If you have any questions or concerns, please call us to discuss.